Formation continue de Sandra-Marie
​ 2014
Professional Dog Training Program, Best Friends Dog Training
2019 -
Certificat Coach en comportement animal, volet canin, Dr Joël Dehasse
2020 -
Certificate of Separation Anxiety Training (CSAT), Malena DeMartini
​ 2016
Séminaire sur les concepts de conditionnement avancés et la structure en entrainement, théories, De Main de Maître, Montréal, QC
2017 -
Communication et Psychologie Canine, Azca, Comportement Animal, Montréal, QC
Séminaire sur les concepts de conditionnement avancés et la structure en entrainement, pratique, Simonne Raffa, De Main de Maître, Montréal, QC
2018 -
Perspectives modernes sur le comportement, la cognition et la motivation canine, Simon Gadbois, Azca, Comportement Animal, Montréal, QC
Rôle de la pharmacologie en intervention comportementale, Dr Joël Dehasse, Azca, Comportement Animal, Montréal, QC
Formation Coach en comportement animal, partie I, Dr Joël Dehasse, Montréal, QC
Formation Coach en comportement animal, partie II, Dr Joël Dehasse, Montréal, QC
Applied Behaviour Analysis, Chirag Patel, Québec, QC
2019 -
Évaluation de la dangerosité des chiens, Méthode de travail, Dre Suzanne Lecomte, m.v., RQIEC, Québec, QC
Au-delà des comportements apparents: les processus internes, Dr. Simon Gadbois, Azca, Comportement Animal, Montréal, QC
2020 -
Stress vs anxiété vs réactivité, Dr Joël Dehasse, Azca, Comportement Animal, Montréal, QC
​ 2016
Negative Punishment, Negative Reinforcement and Humane Hierarchy, Jean Donaldson, RQIEC
2017 -
The R.E.W.A.R.D. Zone for Aggressive & Reactive Dogs - Pamela Dennison, Suzanne Garrett
New Concepts for the Treatment and Prevention of Dog Aggression: Biting and Fighting, The Pet Professional Guild
Agression et agressivité chez le chien domestique, Dunbar Academy
2018 -
Home Alone: Treating Separation Anxiety, Nancy Tucker, CDBC, CPDT-KA, Fenzi Dog Sports Academy
Foster family, Bullies in Need, 2014 to 2019
Service dog trainer, 2014 to present
Paws Fur Thought, 2014 to 2019
Wounded Warriors, 2016 to 2018
Les Chiens Togo, 2016 to 2018
Solutions Canines SM, 2015 to present
Kindergarten, Basic Obedience, Intermediary and Advanced, Impulse Control, Odour Detection, Obedience Rally, Canine Behaviour Coach, Solutions Canines SM, 2016 to present
Dog education or dog sports courses followed: Kindergarten; Basic Obedience; Advanced Obedience I and II; Proprioception; Tracking I and II; Search and Rescue Camp; Odour Detections I, II and III; Agility (foundations and I); Obedience Rally I and II
Canadian Kennel Club – Canine Good Neighbour Test (2 certifications)
Sporting Detection Dog Association - Certificate of Title – (2 Titles : SD-S and SD-S SP, or mention for having passed all the tests in one day)
Canadian Kennel Club - Certificate of Title – (Novice Rally (RN) with 3 mentions ‘High in Class’ on 4 participation)
Canadian Kennel Club - Certificate of Title – (Advanced Rally (RA) with scores above 90% for 3 out of 3 tests)
Canadian Kennel Club - Certificate of Title - (Excellent Rally (RE) with scores of 99% and 98%)
Public Access Test : 2 dogs certified according to international standards of Assistance Dog International